Homemade soapberry shampoo - recipe

Posted by Rikke Macijowski Nielsen on

100% natural shampoo

Here is the recipe for our homemade soapberry shampoo. If you are looking for a "low poo" shampoo without sulphate, silicone and parabens that gently washes your hair, you must try this shampoo, which is so easy to make. It is good for both curly, strong and fine hair and leaves the hair clean without damaging it with chemicals and sulfates. 

The soapberry shampoo is mild and effective and can be used twice in a row if your hair needs a deep wash. The shampoo is also perfect for babies and others with delicate skin or allergies. 

Tip: make a quantity that suits the size of your household and how many hair washes you have in a week. Soapberry shampoo is a natural product without additives that must be used within 7-10 days. However, the shelf life is extended considerably by storing in the refrigerator.

See how to make homemade shampoo here:

How to make homemade soapberry shampoo

You will need:

  • Soapberry liquid soap (Obs. WITHOUT citric acid) 
  • Starch agent – ​​e.g. guar gum or xanthan gum 
  • Bowl and electric whisk
  • (Optional: Essential oil)
  • Container 

Here's how you do it 


Follow our simple recipe for a concentrated decoction of soap berries in water (liquid base soap). It is super easy and quick to make in 20 minutes. and is really just 10 soap berries boiled in 1 liter of water.


After you have drained and cooled the soapberry base soap, a natural starch must be added to give the shampoo the right consistency. We recommend guar gum or xanthan gum, but you can also use cornmeal or agar agar. All of these ingredients are natural and can be found at your local health food store. 

Add max 1 tsp. starch per half a liter of basic soap. The amount of powder and thus the consistency of the shampoo depends on what you like best. Experiment to find what works best for you. If you have fine hair, you typically need to use less starch than if your hair is thick. Start with 0.5 tsp. and check the consistency. You can always add more.


Tip: If you want fragrance for your shampoo, add it afterwards. We love our Forest Fresh shampoo wash fragrance because it contains rosemary, which is known to stimulate hair growth and reduce itching and dandruff. Just add a few drops to the mixture. 


Blend or whisk the liquid to avoid lumps. Whip with e.g. hand mixer or stick blender until a creamy and airy light foam is formed.


Fill your soapberry shampoo into a glass or another container. It can stay fresh for approx. a week if refrigerated. If you want it to last even longer, you can add citric acid as a preservative. You will typically find this in the baking section of most supermarkets.

The mixture will initially be soft, foamy and full of airy bubbles, but when the shampoo has been left for a few hours or overnight, it forms more of a jelly, reminiscent of a traditional shampoo. You can use the soapberry shampoo right after you have made it and when it has set.

Enjoy :)

soapberry shampoo

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  • @Anne-Lise


    Man kan sagtens vande planter med vandet fra sæbebær, hvis det er det, du mener. Vi har f.eks. en artikel her med sæbebærvand som naturligt insektmiddel: https://carebynature.dk/blogs/opskrifter/naturligt-middel-mod-fluer-og-utoj-i-potteplanterne

    Ift. Curly girl metoden, så ville jeg nok prøve at henvende mig i diverse FB grupper, da jeg ikke er ekspert på området. Men har selv bølget og lettere krøl i håret og jeg elsker personligt shampooen.

    KH Rikke

    Jeg er egentligt også “curly Girl” og er klar over mit hår både skal have fugt og protein, så vil gerne høre din erfaring med at bruge det til hår over længere tid og hvis du har hørt om flere der har gjort det og om det er gået godt?

    Care by Nature on
  • Hej
    Det kunne være dejligt at kunne bruge dette naturlige produkt til det hele. Da vi nok skal bo i tiny House, er det også interessant om vandet bagefter kan ende i haven uden at give problemer med grøntsagerne eller på den måde at spise noget med højere indhold af det stof der er i skallerne så. Beklager det lidt nørdede spørgsmål – Har du mulighed for at undersøge hvad effekten kunne være?

    Jeg er egentligt også “curly Girl” og er klar over mit hår både skal have fugt og protein, så vil gerne høre din erfaring med at bruge det til hår over længere tid og hvis du har hørt om flere der har gjort det og om det er gået godt?

    Anne-Lise on
  • @Helle – Den kan holde sig frisk i ca. en uge, hvis den står på køl. Hvis du ønsker, at den skal holde endnu længere, kan du tilsætte citronsyre som konserveringsmiddel. Det finder du typisk i bageafdelingen i de fleste supermarkeder. KH Rikke

    Care by Nature on
  • Hvor lang tid kan shampoen “holde” sig?
    Mvh Helle

    Helle on
  • Rose or lavender can be used for shampoo. :)

    Nadiya on

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