Natural Stain Remover From Care by Nature
We (and you) have gasped time and time again when our natural stain remover has fought stains from blood, red wine, meat sauce, oil and much more and has removed all the stains on the clothes.
However, despite its superpowers, our stain remover does not contain harmful chemicals - in fact, it only contains extracts of soapberries and coconut oil. It doesn't get any more natural than that!
If you wash your clothes with our soapberries as a natural detergant, the stain remover is a must-have for your natural washing kit. This combination allows you to wash ultra-gently and allergy friendly, and at the same time not compromise on removing any annoying stains when an accident has happened.
The stain remover from Care by Nature is rated as 'A grade' from the Danish Consumer Council "Tænk Kemi" (Think Chemistry), which is the best grade, showing that the product is free of a number of problematic ingredients.
Keep it simple - only 2 ingredients
Only extracts from coconut oil and soapberry
Yes, it is good enough. These are the only ingredients in our delicious natural stain remover stick. But just because the ingredient list is simple to understand, the stain remover is still super duper effective!
We get weekly messages from you that the stain remover has managed all kinds of imaginable (and unimaginable) stains of questionable origin. It is truly a real hero in everyday life, and we (and you) gape time and time again when the stain remover just manages the peas.
We only remove stains on the stain
Many common detergents contain additives which are added to be able to remove stains from the laundry. It sounds smart at first, doesn't it?
Unfortunately, many people get skin irritation and allergies when harsh enzymes and bleaches are added to the detergent, because it has to be able to remove stains.
That is why we have developed the stain remover to be used together with our gentle soap berries, so that you can easily get rid of the individual stain locally instead of using stain remover on all the clothes when it is not really necessary.
Your stain remover options
Anmeldelser af produktet
See our natural stain remover in action!
Sneak peak into our production
Our stain removers are handmade by cool Amalie Rosalie, who mixes, cuts and stamps each and every stain remover in her small soap shop in Fredericia. And we love the handmade look it gives the stain remover.
We visited Amalie's workshop and tried our hand at making soap - of course well wrapped in safety equipment. As you can see, we got both cut and stamped stain removers, but we think it's a good thing that Amalie is usually responsible for that part, because it's not as easy as it looks.
Find Care by Nature stain remover in your nearest store
You will also find Care by Nature in supermarkets and small retailers across the country.